
Our school, located in southwest Omaha with an enrollment of approximately 565 students, was named after Nicholas Black Elk, a Lakota Sioux Native American. He became known through the writing of John Neihardt in his book, Black Elk Speaks. Black Elk shared his life and visions with Neihardt because he wished to pass along to future generations some of the reality of Native American life and to share some of his dreams which were not yet realized. His vision of a new circle of community reaches out to all people today.


Our Mission Statement:

Black Elk Elementary, an International Baccalaureate World School, guarantees that all students achieve academic excellence through guided inquiry and become internationally minded citizens as a result of challenging, innovative educational experiences. Compassionate and collaborative relationships within the educational community develop principled, caring, lifelong learners who have the initiative to positively impact the world. 



Black Elk Elementary, una escuela mundial de bachillerato internacional, garantiza que todos los estudiantes alcancen la excelencia académica a través de la investigación guiada y se conviertan en ciudadanos con mentalidad internacional como resultado de experiencias educativas desafiantes e innovadoras. Las relaciones compasivas y colaborativas dentro de la comunidad educativa desarrollan aprendices de por vida, solidarios y con principios que tienen la iniciativa de impactar positivamente en el mundo.


بيان المهمة

تضمن مدرسة Black Elk الابتدائية، مدرسة البكالوريا الدولية العالمية، أن يحقق جميع الطلاب التميز الأكاديمي من خلال الاستفسار الموجه وأن يصبحوا مواطنين ذوي تفكير دولي نتيجة لتجارب تعليمية مبتكرة مليئة بالتحديات. تعمل العلاقات التعاطفية والتعاونية داخل المجتمع التعليمي على إنشاء متعلمين ذوي مبادئ ومهتمين ولديهم المبادرة للتأثير بشكل إيجابي على العالم.